Crunch! Wince!
Yep, as if our family hasn't had enough going on lately, we added a car accident on top of it! Thankfully it was not my fault, though. I came up to where my friend was having her garage sale and when I saw the car's back up lights on, I thought I would stay on the road, out of her way and let her back out before I pulled in - my mistake for being nice. She didn't look behind her and backed up in a sharp turn instead of straight back. Despite everyone shouting at her and me honking my horn furiously, she backed right into me and Sammy. He was just scared out of his wits because he had been sleeping, but other than that everyone was ok. But now the passenger door won't open, which means we will have to get it fixed soon and it sounds like it will take a while to fix, leaving me without a car. Oh joy!
That little car is tough, she'll make it.
Stupid women drivers.
That is the worst feeling in the world!!!! I got backed into one time. I honked, I yelled...then I got hit. I think everyone gets a good back up crash in their life. At least every one is safe :)
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