
Another Race

Nope, no pictures of the race this time, sorry! But I did want to post about it because I am quite proud of myself. This morning I ran my second 5K race ever (by myself, which was sad but not terrible. I had my Rascal Flatts to keep me running :) I was able to beat my old time by 8 minutes even though I did stop to walk a few times. So my time to beat for my next race is 35 minutes 9 seconds. I know I can do better next time because #1: I stopped to walk way too many times and #2: I didn't train very well the last couple of weeks and it kinda snuck up on me. So, I will be looking around for another race to run in the next month or so, so I can continue to improve and maybe, just maybe, I can build up this summer so I can reach my goal of running a 10K by the end of the year - we'll have to see! I'm hoping to get training harder since it will soon be possible for me to run outside (which is always easier than on the treadmill) and I just bought my first ever pair of real running shoes (don't ask how much they were, though, I'm still gasping for air!) and I hope they will help me to improve my running significantly!
The picture above is of the strawberries I got from Bountiful Baskets this week. They were $11 for a flat (which is 8 one pound boxes, making each $1.37) and I decided to get two flats to wash, hull, and put in the freezer - so excited for smoothie season!! Hope you all enjoy your weekend, I'm going to go read a book and take it easy for the rest of the day :)


Julie said...

Great Job on the race!! And to think last summer you thought I was crazy.
The strawberries look really yummy. I can't wait until ours start growing. I even started weeding and prunning the raspberries today. It is all starting to look so much better.

The Roaming Rolfe's said...

Good job! And real running shoes, (I know how expensive they are!)really do make a difference in how your body feels after you run! I have to buy Dustin a new pair every few months he runs so much and so far, and any other shoes hurt his legs! (I don't run enough to need new ones that often! Good luck getting ready for your net one!

Alene Larsen said...

Way to go Christine! 10k was my goal last year. If you keep working on it, you'll get there! It feels so good to accomplish something like that.

Tenika Dennis said...

Good for you! I'm impressed that you can even run a 5k, I'm no where near in a position to do that! (and those strawberries look delicious!)

c a n d a c e said...

Love you, Teen.