
Tender Mercies

Today was a day of tender mercies for me and I am here to tell you all that the Lord is truly aware of each one of us and what we need and He blesses us with key people in our lives to make those things we need happen. I woke up this morning feeling simply awful. All I wanted to do was stay in bed, be a bad mother and just feel sorry for myself. But thankfully I listened to the other half of my mind and got up and got to work. By the end of the day, I feel so grateful to be who I am and for the people that surround me and so many other things, my heart is just so full. So even though life literally sucks at times, it can still be great and beautiful! Thanks to all those angels in my life who bring me back to what life is really about and help me get through the hard days.


Corinne said...

You're right, Christine! The Lord really is aware of us - even in the little ways! I sure love you!

Steph said...

Well said, Christine. The Lord definitely knows what we need and when we need it. You are an amazing woman. I love you!

Ashley said...

love you christine!

Leslie said...

I love you so much, Christine. You are an angel in my life!

c a n d a c e said...

I love you Christine. You're always in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so proud of you for getting up and facing the day. You're so strong. Love you Lots.

The Stoddards said...

Thanks for your post! I really needed to read it today and realize all of the tender mercies in my life! I love reading your blog, it uplifts me and brings a smile to my face every time!