
Whatcott Reunion 2011

As is usual for me, my posts are in reverse order, so bear with me. My family's reunion was up Swan Valley this year and I think a great time was had by all. We will never forget Robert skipping across the water five times, the Idaho Falls fireworks, Mom's 50th birthday party, swimming and the waterslide at Heise, getting rained on during our picnic lunch and watching the Lord of the Rings extended versions on Mom's new Bluray player. Thanks to everyone for making it happen! This top picture is Amy in her crib for the first time the night we got home. She and Sam are doing pretty well with the adjustment - let's just hope it continues that way!

Sam woke up at 7 on Sunday morning, but was obviously not quite ready to get up just yet.

My boys snoozing away on Sunday. Of course I couldn't sleep (partially due to lack of space on the bed) and everyone else slept until 9:30 - grrr!

And one last picture of Amy in her cute little jeans I found for the family pictures we did at the reunion. We decided to do white shirts and jeans and so I searched high and low until I found these puppies that I paid way too much for - but they sure are cute!! Now scroll on down to see how our week went!

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