
Out and About

Since having Amy it feels like we aren't able to go anywhere or do anything beyond the most essential tasks. So when Robert took Sam to work with him yesterday, I dressed up little Amy and we headed out, just us girls (don't you just LOVE this blue and brown outfit?! Too bad I didn't have any socks to match). It was so nice to get around to the little things that I have been dying to do like shopping for fabric for a few projects.
Then we came home and both ate and I had enough time to get things cleaned up before Sam was ready to be picked up. We had an enjoyable afternoon just taking it easy and just got done with our walk when Daddy came home and we decided to go out for dinner (pizza!) and to get flowers for the front of the house. It was a great feeling to get so much done, yet with so little stress. Ah, the things we appreciate! :)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Amy is so adorable!! Glad you were able to go out and have some mommy/daughter time!! :)