
Gotta Love a Bargain!

So today was one of those days where I had a million errands to run and of course Sam didn't sleep really well last night, but we got up and going not too early nor too late and started our shopping and errands one stop at a time. I wasn't planning on doing any extra shopping, but as it would turn out, I got on the phone with someone and ended up browsing around Target a little bit and found this adorable little dress for $2!! Add that to the stop where I got: five 3 liter sodas for 79 cents each, five loaves of bread for 99 cents each, five cans of chili for 79 cents each and five boxes of Little Debbie snacks for 99 cents each and I came home a happy mommy! I just love when I can not only find a great deal, but work it in to the budget as well. Unfortunately, Sam is now not feeling good, but thanks to today's efforts we can stay home for a few days and just chill. Have a great week!


Julie Barnes said...

so cute!

Leslie said...

What a cute little dress! Can't wait to see little Brunhilda in it! Loves to Sam - hope he's feeling better soon! Love you!

Julie said...

How fun to get such good deals. I hope Sam is feeling ok. Did he get what the girls have? Let me know if you want to get together tomorrow or not.