
So Excited!

Sorry we haven't posted for a bit, we have been dealing with our first real sickness with Sam and it has been a VERY LONG week! We came home from Easter weekend with the flu and dealt with that last week, but this weekend, things changed. Sam was up all night Friday night and we couldn't figure out what was wrong. Then Saturday morning he was feverish and just sick. So we began the Tylenol/Motrin routine and kept at it all day Saturday, all through the night, all day Sunday and all through Sunday night. Monday morning I decided to take him to the Community Care because he had begun to say his ear hurt and he had a chesty cough. He tested negative for RSV (thank goodness!) and we got some ear drops for the pain, an antibiotic for the ear infection and bronchitis and I was also given a perscription because he had given me his bronchitis. So now we are on the mend and will be back to our old selves soon!
My post today is more about last night, though. Robert called around 6:30 asking if Sam wanted to come drive the tractor with Daddy. Upon hearing me repeat this, Sam ran as fast as he could to our basket of winter clothes, grabbed his coat and put it on all by himself (the first time ever) and as you can see, he was so excited, he didn't care how it was on! :) We did go out and ride the tractor with Daddy for about an hour as our "FHE" and Sam loved every minute of it! It was fun for me as well because it gives me a chance to not only see what Robert does, but to ask questions and really learn about his field. And, as you can see in the pictures, Sam's latest naughty trick is to spit at Mommy, but hopefully we are quenching this little rebellion just like all the others! :)

1 comment:

Team Skousen said...

Hehehe Yeah I like his coat like that!