
This Week

So this week has been pretty fun so far, so I thought I would share. Monday we did our usual routine of errands in Idaho Falls and then were able to have Sammy's friend, Adam over to play for the afternoon. Tuesday morning we went with Josh, Lily and Julie to go pick raspberries. The mommies gathered tons of berries while the boys (mostly) enjoyed getting muddy. Today was just kind of a laid back kind of day, so we cleaned out Mommy's closet and took a load to D.I. After that we decided to go for a walk around the river, only the stroller's tire was flat, so Sam walked with Mom the WHOLE way! It took us over an hour, the tough kid! And Sammy's latest trick is he will grab a tomato off the counter and just start eating it, he loves them! Crazy nut! Hope you are all having a great week!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I love hearing all the little details of your life. I can just see you picking raspberries while Sam-Sam gets all muddy! When you wrote about walking around the lake, it reminded me of when we used to walk together at lunch time with Sammy in the stroller and Matt riding his little bike. Great memories! I miss you!!