
Big Girl

Here is a little video of Amy when she first woke up from her nap this afternoon. Now that she has started to really master crawling (see video below), Amy has started pulling herself up on things and loves to stand. One of her favorite things is when I stand her up to the front window and she can hold on and just watch everything that is going on outside. A little about Amy right now. She has finally gotten some teeth up top (3, working on a fourth) so now we are starting to feed her real food. She LOVES books right now, just loves them! I think what she really likes is turning the pages, but she does look at the pictures, too. She loves to wave "bye" still and still sleeps through the night when she isn't sick or teething. She also still watches people very intently. I know it sometimes freaks people out to see a baby staring so seriously at them, but most of the time she will crack a smile. She is our big girl and we are so happy to have her in our family!