
3 Years

Today Kaylie would be turning 3 years old. Has it really been that long? So in her honor, I am posting my three favorite pictures we have of our angel baby. This top one was taken the night she passed away by a photographer with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.
Next is a photo my mother-in-law got during the first week or two that we were at Primary Children's Hospital. One of the few pictures we have of Kaylie with her eyes open. She looks so peaceful.
And lastly, Kaylie on her blessing day in the beautiful dress Robert's aunt purchased for her since we didn't have time to get the family blessing dress to us from Robert's sister. (Robert's mom made her wedding dress and made blessing outfits with the leftover fabric. All the kids and now (most) grandkids have been blessed in them)


c a n d a c e said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful baby. Thinking & remembering sweet Kaylie bug today. Love you sis.

Trixie said...

I was thinking about both of you today. Thanks for the picture reminders. Still shedding a few tears. Love, Mom

Julie Barnes said...

I can't believe it has been three years. She is so beautiful. You are so strong. Love you and your beautiful family.

Ashlee said...

I've been thinking of you and your family. You are a strong woman. Good luck with Robert being gone so much.

April and John and Baby Thomas said...

I was thinking about you guys and sweet little Kaylie all day.