
Bad Night, Memorable Morning

Last night was a rough one, and it's been a while since we've had a rough night, which made it even harder. For some reason, Sammy just kept waking us up crying, even though he wasn't really awake, he was really crying. He didn't want to be rocked or soothed, just his back rubbed and the blanket put back on him and he would be back asleep. After three times of getting up, I told Robert it was his turn, but I might as well have gotten up because it took me three times of telling him before he got up :) Oh the life of a Mommy!
So when Sam started crying 20 mins after Robert got up with him, I just brought him in bed with us. But as any parent knows, kids kick and wiggle and before you know it, both of you are on the edge of the bed with the kid lying sideways in the middle. So I put him back in his bed and he was ok until 7. By that time, Robert had gone to work and I just wasn't ready to be up yet and it didn't look like Sam was, either, so I brought him back into bed with me. When I finally did drag myself out of bed at 8, this is how Sam was sleeping. Truly! He's not stretching or anything, he's just sleeping that way!
Just seeing my little guy so at peace and so adorable made the memories of our rough night disappear and were replaced with feelings of love only a mother can have for her baby. I am so glad to have my Sam, even if he does keep me from getting my beauty sleep at times!


Tenika Dennis said...

Poor little guy. I remember hearing that kids can have night terrors, where they just cry and they aren't really awake or asleep. I've also heard it's more common among boys. I don't know if there's anything that can be done...hopefully it won't become a common occurrence!

Leslie said...

Aw, he is so adorable! Hope you catch up on your sleep (but you are beautiful anyway!). Love, Mom

Ashley said...

That is so CUTE!!! I miss you all like crazy! Maybe when work slows down and I am able to, I will have to take a couple days off and come and see you up there in Idaho!!

Love Ya!!