This is the one of the little ones we caught in the trap last night. When Robert looked out to check on it, he saw two more coming out from under the house to help it, so he grabbed the shotgun and tried to shoot both of them, but was only successful at getting both of the other two to spray under the house, which seeped up through the walls and floors and such and made the house nearly unbearable last night.
So this morning we disposed of Skunk #1 and we are really, really hoping we are able to get the other two (or more!) skunks to come back out and just catch them in the trap. This is specifically a skunk trap and is small enough that the skunk can't lift up its tail to spray you - thanks to our great neighbors for allowing us to borrow it!!
Yikes! What a stinky pet :)
We have lots of experience with this, unfortunately. Grab me at church and I will tell you how to get rid of the skunky smell. no fun.
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