
What We've Been Up To

Probably my favorite outfit on Amy right now - go flower power!! This poor gal has been really fussy lately because she is getting some teeth! Don't know exactly how many are coming in yet, but her bottom gums in the front are pretty swollen so I'm thinking maybe the two bottom? We will have to let you know when they come through - hopefully soon!

This is my latest project - accomplished in just one day believe it or not! It is a sleeper sack for Amy to wear at night to keep her nice and cozy even when she throws off the blankets. The first is always the hardest and the worst, but I am proud of myself for doing it and plan to make more now that I have figured it out.

Brother and sister

And tonight our library had Little Critter come visit. Sam saw all the posters when we came for storytime and kept asking all day if we were going to see him and so right after some friends we babysat left we hurried over. Of course we finally get there and Sam is too scared to go near him - silly goose! There was also a silent auction where I won a super cute bag and a pillowcase/book combo that is a cute girly pillowcase for Amy and a Little Critter book for Sam. I would call it a good night!


Steph said...

I love Amy's outfit, too! The sleep sack is adorable! I've heard they work great, but have never tried them out. Way to go!

We love the Little Critter books!

Aunt Steph

Maples Family!! said...

I love the sleeper blanket, the fabric is so cute, you did a great job!

Tenika Dennis said...

The sleeper sack turned out cute! I love your fabric choice.