
Sick Week

 This last week has been a tough one for our family. Above is a picture of my new large mirror for the front room I talked about finding in Washington. The picture doesn't really do it justice, but so you get an idea.
 The day after I got back, I went to check on prices for canning items and my friend asked if I could get her some corn. I ended up getting corn for us as well so we could get it a little cheaper and did 5 dozen ears of corn and three batches of cookies in between. It was a long, messy process, but got it all done and now my freezers are filled to capacity. Hopefully Robert will find some time to go down and get our new freezer soon!
I tried a new method for my corn this year, though. I baked it in the husks in the oven. It was so much simpler because you cut off the large end and then slip the corn out of the husk and then you are ready to cut the kernels off! I would recommend it to anyone who freezes corn! So after that, I got hit hard with some sort of illness that I am still fighting 5 days later. It changes each day, so I think I am about to get better, and then I have something else. But I have to get better fast because on the docket for this week is one last fun YW activity of Mintue To Win It games before the wards split, canning peaches and hopefully pears, turning plum juice into plum jelly, and the Primary Program on Sunday.


Tenika Dennis said...

It seems like moms always get sick at the worst possible times. I hope you feel better soon!

c a n d a c e said...

holy craziness! take it easy sis!